East West International College

Diploma in Hotel Management

Course Synopsis

CUL161 – Kitchen Operations

This first class in Kitchen Practical, students will be exposed to the basic knowledge of the set up and organisation of the kitchen in the college. Students will be divided into groups in order to organise their work schedule. They will be introduced to the different flows, areas, equipment and utensils used in the school kitchen They will be taught on how to practice hygience, cleanliness and sanitation in the kitchen before undergoing the basic skill of cooking and cutting meat, fish and vegetables and preparing meals later.

This subject introduces students to the organization of kitchen, the kitchen premises, kitchen equipment and operations. The subject deals with the basic understanding and theoretical knowledge of food commodities and its culinary uses. The utilization of energy for the production of food is based on the various types of meals to be prepared and the composition of the menus. The various documents used in the kitchen is an indication that some form of systematic controls and operations existed during food production.

FBS151- Restaurant Service 1

This class introduces students to the professional environment of restaurant service practical. Students are exposed to the actual practical working condition in restaurants, with basic technical skills such as cleaning the premises, handling equipment and utensils and setting up the restaurant for food and beverage services. It also involves service procedures for various menu items and from guest arrival till their departure.

ENV108 – Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism

This subject provides students with a general introduction to the tourism and hospitality industry. The industry has evolved greatly since the early stages of travelling and has become one of the major economic contributor at present. Various national and international institutions have evolved with the growth of tourism worldwide. These institutions play significant roles in governing or supporting the development of tourism and hospitality industry. Tourism, as a huge industry, consists of various components that make up the final travel product and travel experience. The service related business such as hotels, food and catering, travel distributors, transport operators and attraction providers make this industry very unique.

END101 – English Composition 1

This course covers writing themes and exercises with a review of rhetorical pattern of composition. Students must practice writing several extended compositions. The emphasis will be on development of analytical and critical reading skills as well as basic reference and documentation skills in the composition process.

FBS252 – F&B Management

This class focuses the general idea of running the restaurant and service practical Technical skills exposure on pre-service, pre-opening and post service briefing, mis-en-place and restaurant practical worksheet for the day’s service will be dealt with. Emphasis will be given to techniques relative to the menu – gueridon service, menu application, folding varieties of napkin folds, techniques of opening wine bottles and service to guest. The preparation technique will focus on varieties of gueridon services.

CUL162 – Western Cuisine

This subject is a continuation from Kitchen operations1: from term 1 which deals with the knowledge on food commodities and its their culinary uses. The reason for the understanding of each type of food commodities such as meat, poultry, game, fruits and vegetables, convenience food, farinaceous products and pasta and also pastry products, is to apply the concepts during the preparation, production and serving the food to the customer.

This second class in Kitchen Operations, students will have the opportunity to prepare and cook Starter and Main Course for the whole 10 weeks of practical lesson. They will practice through a menu application of the techniques covered in Term: 1 and 2 Kitchen Operations.

END201 – Business Communication

The course correct composition and style of business and personal communication, including analysis, mechanics and content of business letters, memoranda and reports.

RDO351- Room Division Operation 3

This Front Office lesson plan is designed for students to understand the role and organization in the Front Office department. It is also designed to provide students with the knowledge of the 4 phases of Guest Cycle (pre-arrival, arrival, occupancy and departure) involving the different types of guest transactions and services. The Standard Operating Procedures of the Guest Cycle is performed manually.

This PMS lesson plan is designed for students to perform the Front Office applications of FIT reservations, registration, room status, posting, check out modules using the hotel's Property Management System.

The Houskepeeing lesson plan is designed for the students to understand further on the responsibilites of the Room Attendant such as checking the rooms, performing evening services, performing daily or periodic cleaining of rooms, the usage of manual and mechanical equipment.

FBS152- Restaurant Service 2

(Pre-Requisite: FBS151- Restaurant Service 1)

This class focuses more details for students specializing in restaurant skills. Technical skills exposure on pre-service, pre-opening, and post service briefing, mis-en-place and restaurant practical worksheets for the days service will be dealt with. Emphasis will be given to techniques relative to the menu – gueridon service, menu application, bar organization and set up of which non-alcoholic beverages will be served.

ASC144 – Food Safety and Hygiene

The first part of the module is devoted to the basic concept of nutrition and provide discussion of each nutrient .The latter half is the understanding of basic microbiology, a study on the compulsory condition of hygiene with respect to: personnel, food handlers ,equipments and premises during culinary preparation, cooking, distribution and service.

ACD101 – Principles of Accounting 1

This subject is designed to provide students with sound principle accounting knowledge. It enables students to understand the basic accounting, procedures and technique used in the analysis of business information which assist in business planning and decision making.

END102 – English Composition 2

(Pre-Requisite: END101 – English Composition 1)

END 102 incorporates writing themes and exercises with a review of rethorical patterns of composition. It is designed to help students develop theior wrting skills and enable them to express themselves in clear, effective prose in the form of essays, assignments and quizzes.

FBS251– F&B Operations

This class focuses the general idea of running the restaurant and service practical Technical skills exposure on pre-service, pre-opening and post service briefing, mis-en-place and restaurant practical worksheet for the day's service will be dealt with. Emphasis will be given to techniques relative to the menu - gueridon service, menu application, folding varieties of napkin folds, techiques of opening wine bottles and service to guests. The preparation techniques will focus on varieties of gueridon services.

MAD104 – Business Mathematics

This subject is designed to provide students with sound basic mathematical knowledge. It enables students to understand the basic mathematical principles, procedures and techniques used in the analysis of business information which assists in business planning and decision making.

MGD201 – Operations Management

This subject aims to develop an appreciation of the equipment or installation (refrigeration, ventilation and air-conditioning) and energies (water and electricity) the students will use in hotels and restaurants; Students will then be able to comprehend the importance of this subject in the hospitality operations, may it be in the room service or catering service.

MGT618 – Entrepreneurship Studies

This subject covers the fundamental knowledge that one needs to start and manage a F&B business. This course will provide students the knowledge of identifying characteristics necessary for a successful entreprenuer, exploring entrepreneurial opportunities for F&B product/service, analysing a target market, selecting a business location, determining business ownership and financing, planning personnel, assessing insurance and licensing needs, and creating a marketing plan.

RD0242 – Rooms Division Operations 2

(Pre-Requisite: RDO241 – Rooms Division Operations 1)

This lesson plan is designed for students to understand the role and organization in the Room Division department.

Front Office practical classes is designed to provide students with the knowledge of the Guest Cycle (pre-arrival, arrival, occupancy and departure) involving the different types of guest transactions and services. The Standard Operating Procedures of the Guest Cycle is performed manually and also through the Property Management System.

For Housekeeping Practical, students are required to understand the role of a Room Attendant, in performing their normal daily routines such as servicing vacant and occupied bedroom and bathroom.

CUL265 – Garde Manger

A study of basic Garde Manger principles with emphasis on the development of skills in the preperation of “cold kitchen” item such as asvinaigrettes, cold sauces, basic and composed salads, sandwiches, hors d’oeuvres and appetizers. Students will learn how to preserve foods bt curing, drying, smoking, confit and also create specialty items such as aspics, chaud froids, forecmeats and other charcuterie products. They will also prepare basic cheese and pasta making and how to present it according to the correct arranging, spcaing, and fanning of individual plates and platters. Reception foods and buffet arragements are introduced.

MKT226 – Introduction to Sales and Marketing

This subject covers the basic concepts and principles of customer relations and sales management in the hospitality industry. The areas of importance are introduction to customer characteristics and sales techniques. The aim students to understand and apply the concepts in selling environment and be able to do practises in the classes.

ECD102 – Principle of Economics

An introduction to the theory of income, employment, and the price level. Consideration is given to the causes of and policies to deal with inflation and unemployment. In addition to macroeconomic theory and policy information, limited attention is given to price indices, national income accounting, and the money supply and commercial banking system.

FBM222 – Purchasing & Cost Controlrinciple of Economics

The subject covers the major purchasing objectives, types of purchasing, purchasing organisation and procedures and cost control procedures . This will enable students to understand the concepts and practices of the subject matter as well as the importance of cost controlling in the hotel industry.

ENV108 – Issues in Hospitality and Tourism

This subject relates to the definitions, history and the forms of tourism such as eco-tourism, agro-tourism and socio-tourism. The various impact of tourism in terms of economic, environmental and socio-cultural brings about the negative and positive side to the country.

MGD203 – HR Management

The subject covers the human resource policies; main activities of human resources specialist; administration formalities; wages and benefits; individual motivational theories; recruitment and selection; mobility in an organisation; industrial relations and training and development of workers. This enables the students to master the skills and ability to work with people by understanding the roles and basic administration formalities as well as to identify manpower recruitments in the hospitality industry.

LWD202 – Business Law (for Hospitality & Tourism)

This subject covers the basic principles which govern the hotel industry from the legal view-point. It includes among others introduction to the Malaysian legal system; Law of Contract; Civil Liability Tort (Neglience); Hotel and Tourism legislation and others. It also deals in detail the purpose and the consequences of having these laws enacted so that any interaction between two parties will be covered by these laws. The students will have the basic legal knowledge of Malaysian Legal system which also governs the hospitality industry

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