This course gives students background knowledge and understanding of statistics they are going to encounter in accounting and business. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have an understanding of the basic methods of collecting, presenting and analyzing data in support of decision making.
END101- English Composition 1
This course covers writing themes and exercises with a review of rhetorical pattern of composition. Students must practice writing several extended compositions. The emphasis will be on development of analytical and critical reading skills as well as basic reference and documentation skills in the composition process.
HTL 205 – Information Technology
The subject teaches the students on the basic computing principles as well as the hardware and software elements. The students are also introduced to word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, desktop publishing and database which will assist them in their day to day administration and operations in the hospitality and tourism industry.
ACD101 – Principles of Accounting 1
This course covers basic concepts and techniques of financial and managerial accounting: A study of the theory and practice of accounting standards, concepts and generally accepted accounting principles, accounting cycles and financial statements. Firstly, gathering, analyzing, recording, and reporting information in a complete accounting cycle. Secondly, it emphasizes the balance sheet items of asset and liability measurement.
ECD101 – Essentials of Microeconomics
This course covers the analysis of individual behavior and the market process. It also covers supply and demand, resource allocation, prices, cost, profit, the production process, market structure, and government intervention.
MGD201 – Operations Management
The course provides students with an understanding of the importance of production management in both industrial and service organizations.
CSD102 – Introduction to Computer Applications
The course gives an introductory at the concepts and needs for a role of computer applications within the business organization. Emphasis on the usage of word processing, slide presentation, spreadsheets and database management software in solving business problems.
END102- English Composition 2
(Pre-Requisite: END101 – English Composition 1)
END 102 incorporates writing themes and exercises with a review of rhetorical patterns of composition. In END 102, a term paper is required. END 102 is designed to help students develop their writing skills and enable them to express themselves in clear, effective prose in the form of essays, reports and term papers. Students will be required to hand in a minimum of nine exercises which will test their ability to write argumentative, expository and discursive essays. Other essays will take the form of rebuttals and analysis of reading assignments. Part of the semester will be devoted to the research preparation and writing of a term paper. The course will attempt and give equal emphasis to the process of writing and to the finished product of that process.
CSD201 – Business Information System
This course aims to give an introductory look at the concepts and needs for a role of computer-based information systems within the business organization. Includes emphasis on solving business problems using spreadsheets, database management, and slide presentation software.
MAD104 – Business Mathematics
This course is designed to provide students with sound basic mathematical knowledge. It enables students to understand the basic mathematical principles, procedures and techniques used in the analysis of business information which assists in business planning and decision making.
END103 – Fundamentals of Speech
This course is designed to help the student become aware of the multiple factors and contexts that help determine the quality of communication, have the basic skills of public speaking, and be familiar with the principles of speech communication. The main thrust of the course will be to provide practical experience in the preparation and delivery of the different kinds of speeches e.g. Impromptu, Social, Humorous, Informative and Persuasive.
ECD102 – Essentials of Macroeconomics
This course is an introduction to the theory of income, employment, and the price level. Consideration is given to the causes of and policies to deal with inflation and unemployment. In addition to macroeconomic theory and policy information, limited attention is given to price indices, national income accounting, and the money supply and commercial banking system.
MKD201 – Marketing Principles
This introductory subject examines the role and importance of marketing to the contemporary organization. Emphasis is placed on understanding the basic principle and practices of marketing such as the marketing concept, market segmentation, management information systems and consumer behaviour. The unit explores the various elements of the marketing mix, with special reference to product, price, distribution, and promotion, including advertising and public relations. By way of introduction only, key issues relating to services marketing, e-marketing and strategic marketing are also canvassed.
MGD203 – Human Resource Management
A survey of the major activities of human resources management functions including recruiting, selection, placement, training, compensation, employee representation and current issues.
FID201 – Introduction to Finance
This subject is designed to provide the candidate with the knowledge of business finance. It attempts to explain the context in which decisions about the various investments the firm should make and how best to finance those investments.
MKD301 – Market Research Methods
(Pre-Requisite: MAD103 – Business Statistics)
This course aims to provide the student with an understanding to the approach of the design and implementation of marketing research. Methodology, analysis and interpretation of results are explored.
BUD201 – Business Ethics
The course will expose students to the historical development of ethical theory and be able to contrast business, professional ethics and to provide students with the necessary skills to comprehend business issues from an ethical standpoint.
MKD302 – International Marketing
(Pre-Requisite: MKD201 – Marketing Principles)
This course covers decision making and policy formulation relative to the cultural, political, legal and economic aspects of doing business in global markets.
END201 – Business Communication
The course teaches correct composition and style of business and personal communication, including analysis, mechanics and content of business letters, memoranda and reports.
LWD201 – Principles of Company Law
The course provides students the knowledge of the principles of law that govern Companies (English and Malaysian law).
MGD301 – E-Business Management
This course integrates two rapidly expanding areas of business studies: international business and e-business. Doing business across international borders is facilitated by e-business technologies. This module explores the nature and models of international business and e-business and how e-business technologies facilitate international business and add value to the business. It develops the skills and understanding to identify and respond to the opportunities, challenges and risks of conducting business across politically, economically and culturally diverse environments.
FID202 – Introduction to Investment
The syllabus of this course covers basic investment topics, i.e. investment environment, money and capital market, securities market, unit trust, bond, option and futures investment. In addition students will also be exposed with additional financial ratios and technical analysis used for interpreting business investment performance and for compliance with the relevant investment standards used in the industries.
MGD302 – Strategic Management
(Pre-Requisite: MGD101 – Introduction to Business Management & BUD202 – Business Strategies)
The course introduces a conceptual framework of corporate strategy anaylsis and planning at both corporate and functional levels. Case studies will be applied into practice.
LWD202 – Business Law
(Pre-Requisite: LWD201 – Principles of Company Law)
The course integrates the concept and principles of business law with the theories and applications of business ethics. The unit makes extensive use of cases in law and ethics to develop knowledge and skills that enable students to analyze, apply and evaluate the legal principles and ethical decision-making processes relevant to modern business practice.